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About This Course
Deepen your sense of security and gain emotional breadth and intelligence by learning how to apply the teachings of relational neuroscience, modern attachment and developmental psychology for you, your clients (if you have them), and those close to you.
This course packs in over 4 hours (!) of professionally-curated content and offers 3.0 CE's to professionals (no longer able to give APA credit, so psychologists will not be able to use this for CE's).
After introducing the 4 Elements of Adult Attachment Schemas (BAMA) and the Modern Attachment-Regulation Spectrum (MARS), they focus on providing deeper thought and practical answers to the "ok I get it, but what do I do about it now?" question.
This course goes beyond the basics but keeps it practical, easy to understand and entirely self-paced, so you can engage the material at your leisure. You will get to follow a case from birth tinto therapy to illustrate the interaction of the various ideas. Finally, it includes note-taking aids, slides, handouts and short videos to keep it engaging and to aid you in successfully completing the course.
-Describe an internal working map (IWM) and it's role in shaping how it drives unconscious perceptions of the self and the world and how to utilize this knowledge in your own life and your clinical practice.
- Utilize the Modern Attachment-Regulation Spectrum as a tool to help create new internal and interpersonal experiences.
-Facilitate your own and your client's ability to differentiate between IWM's and moment-to-moment states of mind
-Describe how affective neuroscience and attachment science are different but related in order to sharpen your clinical insight and therapeutic interventions.
- Identify dysregulated states of mind in yourself and your clients to improve your clinical work and develop specific strategies for moving toward more grounded, organized states of mind.
- Develop a strategy based on type of dysregulation or internal working map to move toward security
FAQs - See FAQ page
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Course Agenda - Orientation and Course Overview
Part 1: 4 Elements of Adult Attachment Schemas & Interventions (BAMA)(2 hours)
- Biology - Embodied Relational Neurobiology
- Infant Attachment
- Internal Working Maps - assessment and intervention
- Adult Attachment Schemas
Part 2: Clinical Application of the Modern Attachment and Regulation Spectrum MARS (1/2 hour)
- Differentiation of internal working maps (IWM’s) versus regulation
- Using the Modern Attachment-Regulation Spectrum as a tool
Live or Memorex
- Transference, projections, empathy and “triggers”
Part 3: Earning Security (1.5 hours)
Treatment and intervention strategies- Case example carried from birth through treatment
- Keys to developing security
- Strategies for each color and growing security as both a state and a trait
- Enhancing your work with patients/clients by understanding yourself
- Primary healing factors that change internal, unconscious maps
Part 4: Conclusion - References, Rock Stars & What's Next
- Course evaluation
NOTE: The company we used for CEs is no longer in business. Because of this, we are no longer able to offer CEs for the course at this time, but we can provide you with a certificate of completion if needed.
Grievance Policy
Commonwealth Educational Seminars (CES) seeks to ensure equitable treatment of every person and to make every attempt to resolve grievances in a fair manner. Please submit a written grievance via our contact page by clicking HERE. Grievances would receive, to the best of our ability, corrective action in order to prevent further problems.
Accommodations for the Differently Abled
Therapist Uncensored strives to make content accessible to all individuals. Individuals needing special accommodations, please contact us via our contact page by clicking HERE.