FAQs for It's Not Me It's My Amygdala course...

Sounds good, but what's the refund policy?

We believe the integration and accessibility of this material is excellent and that you will be very satisfied (and hopefully want to refer others to it). However, if for any reason you are not, we offer a no questions asked full refund for 30 days after purchase of the course.

How do I access the course?

Upon registration you will receive log in instructions and can begin at any time.

How long does it take to complete and is there a required timeline?

It is designed to be interactive and is intentionally meant to be taken at your own pace. There are over 4 hours of direct recorded educational material for you and lot's of suggestions for further exploration. Also, you will have lifetime access to view it at your convenience, and can refer back anytime you like.

What is the price?

The course is over 4 hours long and will be offered to the public for the for the same price as a 60 minute clinical session - $249. As we launch we will be offering the reduced price of $149 for early registrants.

Also note that all of our Neuronerd Patrons get discounts on everything we produce, so if you are a patron and don't yet have your discount code, let us know!

Still have questions?

Ask us! Just shoot us an email at [email protected]